Azienda Vitivinicola Elio Savelli


Until 1990 the winery was in the “Savelli” palace, then was moved to the new building at the heart of the “Bellaluce“ vineyard, therefore simplifying the delicate winemaking practices, immediately following the grape harvest.
The entire winery, barrels themselves, as well as the dark room for aging bottles, are constantly air conditioned, to ensure perfect temperature control at all stages of winemaking, from harvest to fermentation and finally to perserving and aging product.
Our barrels are stainless steel, cement and in oak wood with different mixtures of timber, in order to ensure an ecellent refinement.
Finally, we use only pneumatic vacuum pressing to preserving the aromas and the quality of our grapes.

Azienda Vitivinicola Biologica Elio Savelli - Vigneto Bellaluce, Sant'Andrea di Suasa, 61040 Mondavio (PU) ITALY
Tel. +39 3284453237 -

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