Azienda Vitivinicola Elio Savelli


On the death of Sesto, year 1966, his son Elio had to choose between what he had known how reality slowly, made of hard work, but transparent and sincere, and a world in strong transformation, where with a few pounds of weed killer and fertilizer production it seemed you could delete atavistic labors.
Elio was young, strong and resourceful, but did not let himself be seduced by easy money and chose not to betray its history, its land and at the bottom of our future.
He cried hedges and trees in defence of his lands, to protect them from the farmers of land neighbors who feared they might be chemically treated. He not leaned ever to practices driven by purely economic benefts for the simple reason that they denied what was deeply rooted in him: love and respect for their land and of his ancestors.
In the years 60-70, in which the concept of organic farming was not yet born, In complete silence and with the skepticism of other farmers, in defense of the environment and its “Bellaluce” vineyard, Elio Savelli began a real and personal battle against everything and everyone.
Primarily against criticism of the neighbors, according to which the tall grasses and spontaneous excessively restricted the productively of the vineyard, not to mention the treatments based only on cupric sulfur products with addition of propolis tincture deemed to be obsolete, and at the last for the ancient procedure, of Sabatino granfather, that consisted in sowing of field beans, green manure and then subsequent landfill. Well, Elio Savelli deeply convinced in her ideas never paid to these adverse opinions and indeed contiued, more than ever, determined and enthusiastic, on his way.

For him every occasion was good to try to convince others to reverse course undertaken by agriculture. He said: “the chemical industries are using medicines like to cure the sick, while the earth is not sick! It is the man that make ill the earth: the industrialist who is profiting from the sale of these products and the farmers who are attracted by plentiful productions...but at what coast!”
It certainly won’t be enough commitment to make change the consciousness of the people, but for sure it was an example, a model for everyone then, over time, converted and convert their higly polluting soils with organic farming systems.
That’s because today, rightly, after struggling a lot, Elio Savelli can proudly declare that his “Bellaluce” vineyard is absolutely “ALWAYS ORGANIC”, having never been treated with pesticides and /or chemical fertilizers.
Over the years, starting from these assumptions, Elio then embarked on all trasformations and improvements needed to ferry the “Azienda” in today’s world, from mechanization of same operations to the building of the new winery in compliance with modern standards, to marketing of its wines in Italy and abroad.
Still like his ancestors in the past, every morning, at the crack of dawn, he begins the day at the “Azienda” giving good morning at the vines stroking her aboard his jeep and passing in to the cellar to check out his beloved, great and generous barrels.


Azienda Agricola Vitivinicola Biologica Elio Savelli - Vigneto Bellaluce, Sant'Andrea di Suasa, 61040 Mondavio (PU) ITALY
Tel. +39 335446561 - +39 3284453237 -

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